21 Questions With Alex, The Crush House's ADORABLE Surfer Stud

The golden boy of The Crush House spills all the deets on his newfound fame, juicy love life, and more!

Published Fri, August 6, 1999 at 10:59 AM PST

The Crush House has had no shortage of heart-stopping hunnybuns, but it seems like everyone agrees: There's something about Alex. Warm smile, chill vibes, and calloused hands used to handling wood — What's not to love!?

Because I am a gracious internet deity, I took it upon myself to pester and blackmail (kidding!) The Crush House's enigmatic producers until they agreed to give me an interview with this suntanned stud via Snoggr. Here's what he had to say!

Boy Meets World Wide Web

Fizz: Hi Alex! Thanks for joining us! How are you?

Alex: hi ive nevr used a computer before

Fizz: Well it's not obvious at all LOL! So, to get to know the REAL you, I thought it'd be fun to play 21 Questions. You in?

Producer: We don't have time for 21 questions.

Fizz: Okay, 12 questions then?

Producer: Fine, but "How are you?" and "You in?" both counted towards that.

Fizz: Fine. What say you Alex?

Alex: haha rad yes ok i am in :^)

Fizz: Yay! So let's start with an easy one: What's the weirdest dream you've ever had?

Alex: oh huh lemme think……. okay so like i am on this beach but the water is made of that powdered chocolate milk i think its called nesquid or something? and then my kindergarten teacher ms emily swims ashore and she smiles but her teeth are made of wood and then we totally make out

Fizz: Uh, cool dream! Okay next question: What was the first job you ever wanted to have as a kid?

Alex: i always thought itd be gnarly to be a long-haul trucker or like a wizard or something!

Fizz: Huh, not sure what I expected there... Let's say you were just handed big bucks to open your own business. What kind of business would it be?

Alex: oh man i guess it'd be a shop where i sell [placeholder text] and coffee tables and whatever i decide to make! maybe itd be on a beach somewhere too!

Fizz: That's very sweet, Alex. Y'know, you've really won over America's hearts as the puppy dog of The Crush House. How are you enjoying your newfound fame?

Alex: i havent like had much time to think about it lol? I guess its like pretty cool!?

Fizz: Oh? Maybe it's because your mind has been preoccupied with a certain steamy kiss with a certain someone? Tell us, what made you want to pursue Bea?

Alex: duuude u saw that?? i thought the cameras werent allowed in the toilets!

Fizz: I mean, it's not like they're in there all the time filming you pee, Alex. But yeah if you're going to slip off for clandestine hookups, they're going to film you

Alex: bummer, man!

Fizz: So, care to answer the question?

Alex: idk what to tell u its just that when im with bea it feels like everything else floats away and also she is like super smart and smells like flowers and i dig that

Fizz: That's very sweet! What do you think is your best quality as a potential partner?

Alex: oh bro, i make a KILLER pot of ramen, man!

Fizz: Ooooo, what's your secret then?

Alex: a magician shouldnt reveal his secrets but i trust you not to tell anyone so what i do is i go to the store and get one of those instant noodle packets and just follow the instructions really carefully

Fizz: Uh, you know this is an interview that will be posted publicly, right? Like, people will read this?

Alex: ah man yeah sorry i'm no bueno at remembering stuff sometimes hahaha. But like IDK how to describe it right but like theres just a special way i make them so that theyre extra delish

Fizz: I'll take your word for it! Okay let's go a little deeper... What's your biggest fear?

Alex:oh that's a good question id probably say the realization that ive pushed everyone who ever cared for me away and that now ill probably die alone

Fizz: Wow... I was NOT expecting that! Okay we're almost out of time here and fans are just dying to know: What's your ideal date?

Alex: dude thats a deep question! hmmm lemme think... ugh idk maybe like july 12th or something? thats a saturday right?

Producer: Sorry to interrupt, but Alex has to return to the show now thank you!

Well I can't say I'm a little surprised by how the interview turned out. Maybe I'll just chalk it up to him not being much of a computer guy? What do you think about Alex? Let me know in the comments!

Written by Fizz Arnaud
IDONTWANTTODIEHERE's profile picture

Fizz Arnaud: the man, the myth, the sensation — and the founder and sole writer of The Fizz, one of the information superhighway's most popular weblogs. Fizz is your eye on the Hollywood Sign, bringing you all the latest news and gossip in the world of television entertainment.

Watch The Crush House Now!!


KrillingInTheNameOf's profile picture

FIRST! 🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟

Fri, August 6, 1999 at 11:01 AM PST
HandyDan99's profile picture

As one tradesman to another, I respect the hell out of Alex even if he's not the hottest water in the tank if you get my meaning

Fri, August 6, 1999 at 11:27 AM PST
Saito's profile picture



Fri, August 6, 1999 at 11:50 AM PST
MrsChardonNEIGH's profile picture

Okay WHAT IS GOING ON. I started reading this post this morning but had to stop because Onyx had diarrhea and then the day got away from me. FINALLY get the demons to bed and have a chance to sit down with some wine and finish this and now it's all... creepy? Like, did someone graffiti the website or something???

Fri, August 6, 1999 at 10:54 PM PST

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